Born in Poland on 11.11.1937.
During WW II after the Nazi invasion to Poland my family escaped into Russia. We survived the war years enduring famine and cold in the labor camps in Siberia settling finally in Dzhambul, Kazakhstan and returning to Poland when the war was over in January 1946.
Our home town in Poland was completely obliterated – nothing remained of the Jewish homes and life that once was. We moved on and settled in Lodz.
1947 – 1950 attending the art studio of Alexander Bogin in Lodz, Poland.
1950 Immigrate to Israel.
1962-1967 Graduated with a degree in architecture from California State Polytechnic University.
(While in Calif. Attending art classes)
1978 - 1980 Obtaining a Masters degree in architecture and town planning from the Technion, Haifa.
From 1967 – today: practicing architecture in Israel and abroad.
Parallel to my architecture practice I have my art studio at home where I was engaged in various venues of artwork: on paper, iron, stone, but mainly in wood.
The major idea that dictates my artistic work is twofold: it must possess considerable aesthetic quality coupled with expression of meaning and content. A considerable body of my work draws its sources from the history, tradition and culture of the Jewish people. The geometrical structure of the Hebrew letters provides me with infinite inspiration and challenge in it’s three dimensional interpretation. This challenge is compounded in more complex works when drawn from historical and Biblical sources.